#2: The Quarantine Diaries
It’s another day in the 2020 quarantine era and i’m back to write yet another blog post about it. Today’s theme: micro and macro productivity.
I’m on an email list that sends out advice and inspiration for the realm of acting and breaking into the entertainment industry. The other day, I awoke to one of the emails mentioning about micro and macro productivity and it was incredibly inspiring.
MACRO — long term, big picture
MICRO — short term, the “right now”
The moral of the story: it’s easy to get caught up in the MACRO, large scale sort of situations, like following a career, dream, or working towards big goals. Granted, in times of uncertainty, (when will life be normal again? can it ever truly be normal? what will a new normal look like?) it’s far more difficult to focus on those bigger picture goals. This forms anxiety, stress, and a cycle of more worry.
That’s why this is a break when we can (and should) look into the MICRO, short term, parts of our lives. This is when we should be grateful and enjoy the present. We should take as many moments to share with loved ones and keep connected with others. We can break the social structures of a pre-quarantine era of non stop work and productivity and actually enjoy the little moments and accomplishments. Our brains are on overdrive, making us more fatigued than usual. Work through emotions. If you have a day where you accomplish a lot, that’s amazing! If you don’t do anything, that’s amazing too! Life truly is about balance and happiness.
Personally, i’ve spent more time lately expanding my creative endeavours. I’m getting more into music, voiceover work, and writing. I’ve started up blogging here on Medium! Hey, i’ve even posted a few TikToks with ideas for more.
I also have days where I sleep in, eat a little, nap, and watch reruns of my favorite shows.
It may be a new normal, but it’s a great balance. This taught me that’s truly okay to breathe and enjoy life every once in a while.
I hope this helps you on your journey through this time and the next. As always, every comment and question is greatly appreciated so feel free to reach out.
best wishes,