Guide to becoming a morning person

Sarah Hamilton
3 min readSep 21, 2020


Tips and tricks to wake up easier and kickstart your day!

Photo provided by self

Morning is a touchy thing…simply waking up and going about your morning routine can set what kind of day you will have and how you will feel about it. Luckily enough, if you want to become more of a morning person, there are definitely some great habits to help your mornings be more peaceful, enjoyable, and even productive! Kick start your days right!

Wake Up Earlier

Whether you have to get up for an early hour and can just barely get by running late or you usually sleep in too much, make it a point to wake up at a reasonable time for you so that you still feel well-rested (at least, as much as possible) but you also still have ample time in the morning to get ready. Slower mornings will help you wake up better and boost your mood in the process.


A quick email and social media check are fine, but if you feel like a good part of your morning routine is spent mindlessly scrolling, stop right there! Put the phone down and use that time elsewhere. Which brings me to…

Reading/Music/Art/Yoga/Peace of Mind

With that newfound time not spent on your phone, take a moment for yourself! Morning reading, writing, yoga, music, art, and countless other forms of creative expression and self-awareness will also boost your mood and leave you feeling slightly productive right at the very start of your day.


I know we all hear it all of the time, but breakfast is key! Personally, I really hate eating crazy early and if I can help it, I love waiting until my hunger forms for brunch, but since my schedule is constantly changing when I eat and how much, finding a moment to have something after I wake up is a critically important part of my daily routine. That being said, a small sugar boost is okay, but instead of sugared cereals and pastries, choose oatmeal, eggs, and healthier options! Breakfast gives you the boost throughout the day and leaves you less hungry throughout the rest of the day. (Also, if you’re not getting enough vitamin C from the good ol’ sun, orange juice is wonderful!)

To Coffee or Not to Coffee? That is the question.

I love coffee, usually, straight up bold and black (with the occasional almond latte when espresso gets involved at a cafe!). I also really love tea. Balance is great in the morning, so if you typically have coffee, have some! If you want tea, go for that! Avoid caffeine addictions if you can help it and make it a point to make your coffee/tea at home before leaving the house. This will save you money and time standing in line at your local cafe.

To-Do Lists

A great way to set out goals for the day is to use agendas and/or to-do lists. They don’t have to be anything fancy, but just being able to visually see everything you want to accomplish in the day will help guide you when getting them done and not feeling overwhelmed by looming thoughts cooped up in your head.

Accomplish Smaller Tasks

If you have an extra moment in the morning, accomplish smaller tasks like responding to quick emails or finalizing something that was almost accomplished another day. Even taking a morning walk or getting some exercise will help you feel accomplished. With smaller tasks out-of-the-way, you may feel more empowered to do larger tasks.

Plan the Night Before

The night before is a great time to prep for the next day! Give yourself time to sleep earlier, plan out some options of what to wear the next day, relax, and tidy up your space. Even having a clean kitchen will be extra rewarding the next morning when you go to make breakfast!

With a bit of planning and some extra time, mornings can become your best friend. If you try any of these tips or have additional ways in which help you become a better morning person, comment them in below or tweet them at me @sarahfhamilton.

…and with that, I should say… good morning!



Sarah Hamilton
Sarah Hamilton

Written by Sarah Hamilton

author • actress • filmmaker • dreamer

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